Join our community-oriented, professional group of officers today! The Ashby Police Department is hiring highly-motivated, proactive, qualified full-time officers to join the Department. Candidates who…
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, which raises awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and implements strategies for people to get home safely.…
ASHBY — Chief Derek Pepple is pleased to report that the Ashby Police Department has received a $15,000 grant to fund a body-worn camera program.
Nov. 14 is National Seat Belt Day, which reminds people of the importance of buckling up when riding in or driving a vehicle. Seat belts…
ASHBY — Chief Derek J. Pepple is pleased to share that the Ashby Police Department has commended an officer for saving a life by applying…
During the third full week of October each year, National School Bus Safety Week (Oct. 21-25 this year) is a public education program for students,…
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, recognized each October, aims to raise awareness for domestic abuse and help victims receive proper support. In partnership with the…
This week is Child Passenger Safety Week, and we would like to raise awareness about properly sized and correctly installed car seats. A study by…
September is National Emergency Preparedness Month, which encourages families to discuss safety plans under this year’s theme, “Start a conversation.” 🚨
Welcome back to school!